'PINOY WAFFLE PANCAKE... this is a pang negosyo recipe... this kind of pancake which is considered a famous Pinoy street food with less ingredients and not costly but Filipinos really loive this. Ingredients: 1 cup all purpose flour 1/4 cup sugar 1/8 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 pc large egg 1 cup of water #PinoyWafflePanCake #WafflePancakePangnegosyo #PinoyRecipes Please join my Facebook Group - Filipino Creative Cooking | Panlasang Pinoy https://www.facebook.com/groups/FilipinoCreativeCookingPanlasangPinoy Learn more from my Channel... https://youtube.com/c/DanzFoodpark Please visit my Pinterest Account... https://www.pinterest.ph/DanzFoodpark/_saved/ Please visit my Twitter Account... https://twitter.com/PinoyRecipes59 Please visit my Instagram Account... https://instagram.com/danzfoodpark -------------------- Music Title: BUBINGA Artist: Quincas Moreira Audio Library Link:https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCqyMuX8zLGSLCxptquJwUBQ/music'
Tags: waffle maker , pancakes , waffle , Pancake , waffles , pancake recipe , waffle recipe , pang negosyo recipe , Waffle recipes , easy waffle recipe , how to make waffles , belgian waffles , how to make waffle , fluffy pancake , pinoy waffle , waffle recipe panlasang pinoy , pancake in waffle maker , waffle from pancake , pancake & waffle mix , pinoy waffles , pinoy waffle recipe , waffle pinoy recipe , tuna waffle , waffle from pancake recipe , waffle recipe using pancake mix , no waffle maker
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